Donate to CGMFF

By making a donation to the Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Fund you are providing life saving medical care for critically ill kittens – kittens who have barely begun their lives and are having to stay strong against incredible odds. From birth deformities to tail pull injuries and everything inbetween, CGMFF turns no critical case away. Every life deserves a chance.


Your generous gift supports programs such as:

  • Providing advanced medical care and diagnostics for the neonate and pediatric patient.
  • Case management advice to other veterinarians, local rescue organizations and shelters in the Greater Washington/Baltimore region and beyond!
  • International relationships with rescues, shelters, and veterinarians abroad.
  • Speaking at regional and national meetings about advanced veterinary kitten care
  • Medication, vaccines, mobility devices and more!

Please leave a comment with your donation if you would like to support a specific member of Team Scratch n Dent

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